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National Forum: Slovenia in the 5th Industrial Revolution

2 days ago

1 min read




Vodja Jean Monnet katedre IC4EUe je udeležila Nacionalnega foruma: Slovenija v 5. Industrijski revoluciji, v organizaciji Inštitut Naprej v sodelovanju s Tehnološkim parkom Ljubljana, Inštitutom za Industrijo 5.0 in partnerskimi organizacijami. Dogodek je potekal 11. marca 2025.

Forum je bil sestavljen iz uvodnih nagovorov predstavnikov ministrstev, gospodarskih združenj in raziskovalnih organizacij, sledile so predstavitve primerov dobrih praks uvajanja Industrije 5.0, panelne razprave in interaktivne delavnice za oblikovanje konkretnih predlogovza pospešitev uvajanja Industrije 5.0 v Sloveniji.

Ključni poudarki foruma so bili:

·      Predstavitev globalnih trendov in evropskega okvira Industrije 5.0

·      Pregled dobrih praks slovenskih podjetij

·      Razprava o strateških usmeritvah za prehod v Industrijo 5.0

·      Oblikovanje deklaracije za pospešitev uvajanja Industrije 5.0 v Sloveniji



The head of the Jean Monnet Chair IC4EU, Prof. Dr. Tea Golob, attended the National Forum: Slovenia in the 5th Industrial Revolution, organized by the Naprej Institute in collaboration with the Technology Park Ljubljana, the Institute for Industry 5.0, and partner organizations. The event occurred on March 11, 2025.

The forum consisted of opening speeches by representatives of ministries, business associations, and research organizations, followed by presentations of best practices in implementing Industry 5.0, panel discussions, and interactive workshops aimed at developing concrete proposals to accelerate the adoption of Industry 5.0 in Slovenia.

The key highlights of the forum included:

·      Presentation of global trends and the European framework for Industry 5.0

·      Review of best practices from Slovenian companies

·      Discussion on strategic directions for the transition to Industry 5.0

·      Drafting a declaration to accelerate the adoption of Industry 5.0 in Slovenia


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