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Welcome to Jean Monnet Chair IC4EU, your go-to source for the latest trends, insights, and developments in the area of European Industry 5.0 and inclusive communities.

We are dedicated to advance and test innovative educational approach and related materials as a mechanism for implementing the European approach of the Industry 5.0 and improving its global impact .
By emphasising the role of European internal cohesion for the EU to take the lead in a global sustainable economy, we will foster the dialogue and cooperation between the academic world and the relevant social actors, including state, and local community actors, such as policy makers, business and civil society.

 JeanMonnet Chair IC4EU is committed to creating a vibrant community where ideas are shared, and knowledge is cultivated.

Dobrodošli na spletni strani Jean Monnet Chair IC4EU, ki ponuja dostop do najnovejših trendov, vpogledov in razvoja na področju Evropske industrije 5.0 in vključujočih skupnosti. Predani smo napredku in testiranju inovativnega izobraževalnega pristopa in materialov, ki služijo kot mehaniem za implementacijo evropskega pristopa industrije 5.0 in izboljšanje njenega globalnega vpliva.

S poudarjanjem vloge evropske notranje kohezije, in željo, da EU prevzame vodilno vlogo v globalnem trajnostnem gospodarstvu, bomo spodbujali dialog in sodelovanje med akademskim svetom in ustreznimi družbenimi akterji, kot so oblikovalci politik. gospodarstva in civilne družbe.

JeanMonnet Chair IC4EU se zavzema za ustvarjanje živahne skupnosti, kjer se delijo ideje in goji novo znanje.

Stay tuned for our upcoming events, workshops, and seminars designed to enrich your understanding of cutting-edge technologies and their impact on the world. Join us in our quest to explore the frontiers of technology and discover the endless possibilities it holds for the future.


Spremljajte naše prihajajoče dogodke, delavnice in seminarje, namenjene obogatitvi vašega razumevanja najsodobnejših tehnologij in njihovega vpliva na svet. Pridružite se nam pri raziskovanju meja tehnologije in odkrivanju neskončnih možnosti, ki jih ponuja za prihodnost.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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