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Article on European citizenship and digitalisation

Dec 13, 2024

1 min read




Chair holder Dr Tea Golob has published an article in the special issue: E-governance and the European Union: Agenda for implementation. The title of the article is European citizenship and digitalization: A new roadmap for interconnection (in co-authorship with M. Rek and M. Makarovič). The article feeds into the research activities of the IC4EU, and are related to the elaboration of the key concepts and theoretical approaches. The article is open access, and you are

Nosilka Jean Monnet katedre »Vključujoče skupnosti za evropsko industrijo 5.0«, znanega tudi pod kratico IC4EU, prof. dr. Tea Golob, je v soavtorstvu s prof. dr. Matejo Rek in prof. dr. Matejem Makarovičem objavila članek z naslovom European citizenship and digitalization: A new roadmap for interconnection, v posebni izdaji revije E-governance and the European Union: Agenda for implementation.

Članek obravnava ključne koncepte in teoretske pristope na področju evropskega državljanstva in digitalizacije in tako pomembno prispeva k ustvarjanju novega znanja v okviru raziskovalnih dejavnosti katedre IC4EU.

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